Region 2 "Newsletter of the Year" Award, 2012, 2016
Volume I, Number 103
Region 2 "Newsletter of the Year" Award, 2nd Place, 2011, 2014. 2015
Issue Date October 2016
Region 2 "Best Electronic Newsletter" Award, 2009
Publication Date December 2017
•  Sat., Dec. 16: USS Republic Holiday Party & Potluck Dinner

•  Ensign Kathy Graham Wynn named 2016 Member of the Year
•  Personnel Records
•  Library Computer
•  Recent Chapter Event Photos

•  Welcome Aboard!
•  Membership Reenlistments
•  Membership Expirations
•  January Membership Renewals
•  About the Republic
•  For More Information
•  USS Republic Online
•  Crew Roster
•  News from
 Patrick Stewart says "maybe" to returning to Star Trek
USS Republic Holiday Party & Potluck Dinner

7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 16, 2017
Challenges Games and Comics
North DeKalb Mall, Westside Entrance
2050 Lawrenceville Hwy, Decatur GA  30033
(678) 973-0410
It's one of the most important occasions of the year!  Plan to attend the USS Republic's annual Holiday Party & Potluck Dinner on Saturday, December 16, once again hosted by Challenges Games & Comics in North DeKalb Mall in Decatur!  All members and friends of the USS Republic are cordially invited to attend!
Members and friends of the USS Republic at our 2016 Holiday Party
Our Annual Holiday Potluck Dinner
Commodore Eric L. Watts will once again be cooking a turkey for all to enjoy, so please bring your own favorite side dish or dessert to help make this a holiday feast!  The Republic will also be providing a selection of adult libations, but feel free to BYOB and enjoy yourselves responsibly.  Please plan to come for an evening of fun, festivity and friendship!

Member of the Year Award
Around 9:00 or so, Captain Eric will present the USS Republic's Member of the Year award to someone whose service to the chapter in 2017 deserves special recognition.  Please plan to attend, bring a couple of friends and a side dish or two, and spend an evening with your friends and shipmates aboard the USS Republic!

Future of the Chapter
The USS Republic will be celebrating its 30th anniversary next May and we'll celebrating it at Treklanta, also in May.  We'd like to hold a reunion of as many past and present Republic members as possible for at least a group photo and possibly even a fancy dinner.  We'll need lots of help to pull this off so if you'd like to participate, please plan to attend the Holiday Party to get things started.
USS Republic Members of the Year, 2007-2016
2007 Member of the Year
ENS1 Zannetta Law Tucker
2008 Member of the Year
ENS1 Hal Doby
2009 Member of the Year
ENS1 Joanne Trew
2010 Member of the Year
ENS1 Sue Lin Lange
2011 Member of the Year
ENS3 Barry Bynum
2012 Member of the Year
FCapt Eric L. Watts
2013 Member of the Year
Adm Mike Henigan
2014 Member of the Year
Adm Kelly S. Hilliard
2015 Members of the Year
Lts. JG Tiffany & Lee Johnson
2016 Member of the Year
ENS3 Kathy Graham Wynn (Peck)

Ensign Kathy Graham Wynn (Peck) named 2016 Member of the Year
Commodore Eric L. Watts presents the 2016 Member of the Year award to Ensign Kathy Graham Wynn (Peck).
The USS Republic is pleased to announce that Ensign Kathy Graham Wynn (Peck) has been named as its 2016 Member of the Year.  Republic CO Comm Eric L. Watts presented Ensign Wynn with a personalized award plaque at our 2016 Holiday Party last December.

Ensign Wynn and her then-fiancé Ensign Ryan Peck worked for several months behind the scenes for Treklanta, contacting large companies with a corporate presence in Atlanta in an attempt to secure one or more sponsors in the convention's Corporate Sponsorship Program.  Unfortunately, Ensigns Wynn and Peck were unable to finalize any sponsors, but the perseverance and tenacity they demonstrated in their efforts are worthy of recognition.

Ensign Wynn joined the USS Republic in January 2016.  Ensign Peck did not join the Republic until November; otherwise, the award would have been presented to them both.

Ensigns Wynn and Peck were united in holy matrimony at Treklanta this past April and she moved to Nashville, Tennessee, to join him there shortly thereafter.  As residents of Tennessee, the Pecks are no longer attempting to recruit sponsors in the Atlanta area.  That (Those) position(s) remain(s) vacant and need to be filled.  Anyone with experience soliciting corporate sponsorships is encouraged to contact the Captain and volunteer for this critically important position.
Personnel Records
STARFLEET Academy is a special collection of correspondence courses available to every STARFLEET member.  Over 60 Academy Colleges offer courses spanning all aspects of Star Trek and science fiction; some courses even cover non-sci-fi real world topics.  Each college offers dozens of different courses at varying levels of challenge from super-easy to really hard.  In total, there are nearly 1,000 different courses available.  Take a course today!

Something special going on in your life?  Submit your Personnel Record for publication in the next issue of The Republiqué!
Library Computer
For those of you who don't get the joke:

On December 12, 2017, former U.S. Attorney Doug Jones defeated former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore in a special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat of former senator Jeff Sessions, who resigned to serve as U.S. Attorney General.

The character of Lt. Saru from
Star Trek: Discovery (above) is played by an actor also named Doug Jones. The two men are not related.
Recent Chapter Event Photos
Away Mission to Star Trek Beyond  ||  July 22, 2016
Movie Tavern Northlake Festival  ||  Tucker, Georgia
ENS1 Eddie Hines, Jeanetta Holmes and CO Comm Eric L. Watts after an opening-day screening of Star Trek Beyond at the Movie Tavern Northlake Festival cinema in Tucker.
See 7 photos from
this event on Flickr


3 New Members
in September 2016!

Ens Shannon Patricia Kennedy Ens Jennifer Foley
Ens Victor Valentin, Jr.

These members renewed their SFI and chapter dues in September 2016.  Thank you!

ENS1 Tasheka Gipson
ENS3 Christopher M. Jones

These members' dues
expired in 2017 and have not been renewed.  Please rejoin now!

ENS1 Leslie C. Gronski
ENS1 James P. Gronski
Ens James King
ENS1 Mark A. Ozanick
ENS1 Marilyn Teague
ENS1 Eddie Hines
Adm Michael Henigan
Adm Kelly S. Hilliard
ENS3 Charles Brent Chapman
Ens Shannon Patricia Kennedy
Ens Kevin Cochran
ENS3 Christopher M. Jones
ENS1 Julianne Trew
ENS1 Jenilee Trew

These members' dues
will expire in January 2018.  Please renew now!

ENS1 Hal Doby
Capt Matthew D. Ebeling
Ens Ray Tesi
ENS2 Tina Louise Jones

The USS Republic NCC-1371 was originally commissioned as a chapter of STARFLEET International on May 14, 1988, at the Dixie-Trek convention in Atlanta, Georgia.  As of December 16, 2017, the Republic crew includes 31 members who are active members of STARFLEET in good standing.
The Republic plans and coordinates an active schedule of events for its members, but does not hold meetings on a consistently fixed date each month.
Because the USS Republic is a duly commissioned chapter of STARFLEET International and is bound and governed by its Constitution and By-Laws, membership in STARFLEET is a prerequisite for membership in the Republic.  STARFLEET membership dues are $5 for one person and Republic chapter dues are $10 ($15 total).  The Republic collects a single combined dues payment for both groups and remits the STARFLEET portion to them on the Republic member's behalf.  STARFLEET offers family discounts for additional members as shown below.  Additional information about membership options, amounts due for additional family members, payment options and instructions for other forms of payment is on the "How to Join" page of our award-winning web site.
REP. =



Crmn Karl Dissinger
Crmn Mica Lange
CDT3 Zarena Nova Tucker

NEWS from
Patrick Stewart says "maybe" to idea of returning to Star Trek
By Matt Wright
December 5, 2017
Speaking with Variety about the movie Logan, the interviewer couldn’t help but ask about Stewart’s other big franchise role, Captain Picard.  Initially reluctant to say “Yes” to returning to the role of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard again, the Star Trek: The Next Generation star did talk about one possibility that would get him to put on the uniform one last time.
Oh, lord. I cannot think of another instance in which that might happen.  My feeling is I hung up the space suit and left all that behind a long time ago.  Maybe if someone came up with a brilliant idea, I’d do it.  One thing that might interest me would be to bring all the existing casts of Star Trek from the last 50 years together for one big story.
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard TNG-era alums talk about a big team-up movie being something of interest.  TrekMovie spoke to Brannon Braga earlier this fall and he expressed a somewhat similar idea, with Captain Picard leading a best of the 24th century team:
I know what I would do.  I would take the specialty characters, like Seven of Nine, Data, the holographic Doctor and others and create a brain trust of characters who are up against some kind of really bad situation where they need the most brilliant that Starfleet has to offer.  Maybe create another character or two and put them on a fucking ship so you get a little from each and put some cameos in there while you are at it.  I always thought that would make a cool movie.
© 2017 SciFanatic Network
USS Republic NCC-1371
B O L D L Y    G O I N G 
 B O L D L Y    D O I N G™
2902 Aspen Woods Entry
  Atlanta, Georgia  30360-2759
Commanding Officer
  Commodore Eric L. Watts
Executive Officer
  Lieutenant J.G. Tracey S. Harwell

The Republiqué Volume I, Number 103.
Issue Date October
2016, Publication Date December 2017.
Published (more or less) monthly by and
Copyright © 2017 USS Republic NCC-1371.
Commodore Eric L. Watts, Editor.

If you prefer not to receive any future issues, please let us know.